Assisi Loop Therapy
Non-pharmacological treatment of pain and edema
Targeted Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (tPEMF) is an FDA-cleared, evidence-based therapy for non-invasive, non-pharmacological treatment of pain and edema. The therapy has proven effective on pain for 3 decades, particularly in Eastern European research. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are highly effective in a diverse range of therapeutic applications with no side effects or adverse reactions. tPEMF provides a specific physiological signal carried on a series of magnetic field pulses to the treatment site(s). These uniquely specific energy parameters are transmitted through injured tissue to target the affected area via direct induction. It induces a tiny electrical signal that mimics the physiological stimulus that normally occurs in healthy tissue, thus stimulating cellular repair.
tPEMF is designed to accelerate the normal anti-inflammatory activity of the body. Multiple, sometimes concurrent, biological activities take place from the initial pain and swelling, through new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) to tissue regeneration and then tissue remodeling. These processes are all related to an initial step, so accelerating that first electrochemical process should accelerate the whole cascade. Tissues will respond depending on their current state, so acutely inflamed tissue should rapidly respond by reductions in pain and swelling, while chronic wounds, for example, should see improvements in blood flow and growth factor production. Pulsed magnetic therapy research reveals that tPEMF therapy promotes various healing mechanisms, and has been found to promote bone tissue regeneration (even where bone non-union exists), connective tissue regeneration, wound tissue regeneration (even where chronic wounds exist), nerve tissue regeneration with no reported expected or unexpected adverse reactions.
We are very excited about this new treatment modality because it truly offers a treatment that addresses the underlying problem, and does not just treat the symptom of pain. Not only is tPEMF effective and safe, it represents significant cost savings by eliminating or reducing the chronic use of pharmaceuticals, and allows the owner to perform these treatments in the comfort of their own home.
Conditions that can benefit from tPEMF
- Post-operative pain & Edema
- Osteoarthritis
- Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)
- Tendon/Ligament damage – increases tensile strength
- Soft Tissue Trauma & Wound Care
- Bone Union/Growth
- IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease)
If you'd like to learn more about Assisi Loop Therapy, or think it's right for your pet, call us at (301) 645-2550 today!