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Our Favorite Patients



This is Whitney. She was 12 months old when she was playing a bit rough with Buddy (my other dog) and injured her leg. Her x-rays showed that her right ACL was completely torn and her left ACL was partially torn. So we scheduled the first surgery for March 17th, 2009. Her recovery could not have gone more smoothly. Her second surgery was scheduled just 9 weeks later for May 19th, 2009. Whitney is doing well after both surgeries. She loves to run, jump, and play, just like before her surgeries. I greatly appreciate all the friendliness, support, and kindness that all of the staff at St. Charles Animal Hospital showed both Whitney and me. Thank you again Dr. Neuman for all of your help since the very beginning! I don't know what Whitney would have done without you!!



Doctor Neuman,
Thank you so very much for taking such good care of my little one.  She has been my partner in crime for 13 years. When she was hurt and needed me, I wanted only the best for her.  You gave it to her. I cannot thank you enough. You not only made sure she got the best and state-of-the-art care but also that she wasn't in pain. She was better before I could have even hoped for. Thank you so very much!

Very Thankfully,
Laurie Gillespie






He is doing great! We affectionately call him "Hoovie", like the Hoover vacuum cleaner, because if you don't keep an eye on your sandwich, he will suck it up in one gulp!  He loves running around with my three girls and playing ball and Frisbee!








I was very nervous at first about getting this TTA  surgery for Lucy. After speaking with Dr. Neuman about it I felt much better and decided to go through with it. When I went to pick Lucy up the day after surgery I had prepared myself for having to carry her out and I was wondering how I was going to get her out of the car and into the house. I was pleasantly surprised when she walked out to me in the waiting room! Wow! That night she had a little bit of pain but nothing the pain pills couldn't take care of... Her leg healed so fast she wanted to run when she was only supposed to be walking very slowly! That was the hardest part of the whole thing!

Thank you, Dr. Neuman!!



My first leg was fixed in January of 2008 and I was doing so well. . . Then I went and hurt my other leg in May of 2008.   Dr. Neuman fixed that one too.

Now I'm a happy camper!



Dr. Neuman tells me that my weight may have had something to do with my ligament rupture. My repaired leg feels great!  I hope that I can reduce my weight to help protect my other leg!


























When I was told my dog, Gatsby, would need a TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy), needless, to say I was concerned. And I had many questions.  The doctor I had been referred to was not very informative I even might say abruptly. I went home with many questions. And did what most of us do now, went on the net! And stumbled upon TTA read about it and was most intrigued. I was lucky enough to see Dr. Neuman's site and called and talked to him.  He was so helpful and answered all my questions.  I felt much better after talking with him.  The TTA sounded a better way to go but, because it is so new I was just a little hesitant. I did more reading and even called back the recommended Doctor and again was very disappointed in the conversation.  At that point, I decided to have Dr. Neuman do the surgery. I have been very happy with that decision. And the outcome of the surgery is the best I could have hoped for, at least at this time four weeks out! And I don't think I have any reason to feel otherwise.  I am very pleased with Dr. Neuman and his staff.  He gets high accolades from me!














Nikki is an 8-year-old Lab/Greyhound cross that we rescued from the pound as a 9-month-old. After injuring her right hind in March 2008, Nikki was recovering well from her TTA surgery. She was recovering so well that she decided to lunge after some bunnies and hurt the other leg only 4 weeks after her surgery. Now 2 weeks out of her second surgery, she's doing so well that she'll soon be back chasing bunnies again! The only downside of her recovery was spending so much time in her crate. Luckily she had lots of friends to keep her company! Many thanks to Dr. Neuman!



This is my dog, Nike. He needed both of his legs repaired.  I have to say that I was a bit nervous operating on my dog, but I did feel that I was the right person to do his surgeries. Fortunately, both surgeries went great and he healed nicely.


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St. Charles Animal Hospital